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1-15 Misiska, 613 After Odo



Clusta Noba

The Gadda Navy continues to rebuild on Clusta Noba, even managing to reach out to nearby villagers for their aid in return for tactical advice and combat training. Although still a shadow of it’s former might, the Gadda Navy has incorporated a number of haphazard sloops to it’s retinue, increasing the overall speed of the Navy.



As work on fundibria's tower continues, the civilians note 2 things of importance. First, fundibria is amazing. Second there are more of those ape things around then a little while ago. Although this is of no concern to them. The apes are with that amazing fundibria now. Everything is great (mobilize).


No news


As fundibria returns home after weeks away. She plans a large event were plans lots of entertainment and makes a large speech. In the middle of the event she states that to prevent any other monster attacks the city must do 2 things, one expel the outsiders that have recently come here for war not trade. And worship the moon goddess from time to time to gain her favor. The crowd stops for a moment, as her cultists try to start a chant to grip everyone in devotion. But then, the cultists, drinking their brew to the honour of the Moon goddess, double over, gripped by pains to the stomach, and a pack of angry wolven charge the gathering. Panic ensues, as Fundibéra's coup attempt fails before it starts (Raise Influence Fail).



Fokale Plains


The old blood nobles stir up dissension against Folda, pointing out his failures in order to gather power to themselves. People are easily persuaded, quick to adopt a scapegoat for whatever ails them (Raise Influence Success). Kishati Priests keep proselytizing throughout Nastrôl. While the many monastic orders remain unimpressed, the priests are turning directly to the peasantry. As many of them have felt that the monastic orders have been too aloof and arrogant, they quickly harken to the harsh words of the Kishati priests, which seems to touch a cord within them, the hard working peasants, who know little joy in their life anyway (Raise Influence Success).


It was an elaborate plot, hatched by Crystalocrat Manzonla himself. The officers of the now very prestigious, and most elite, Killer Crane cavalry were wooed for days on end by NeoKlavykian academics. These learned men claimed that they had found written sources detailing exactly the best type of diet for killer cranes in the annals of the Klavykian Empire. If the officers followed these instructions, their cranes would prosper, grow stronger, more ferocious and more obedient. Taken in by the syntalds and their scholarly presence, the officers followed their advice. It was a trap. Not even a week later, the cranes fell gravely ill, and when the Ransardian raiders attacked their barracks, the cavalry had no readiness to counter them. It was a massacre. In typical ferocious Ransardian fashion, all opposition was hacked down, the barracks were blocked, with most of the cranes inside, and then set on fire. When the smoke cleared in the morning, there was nothing left of this proud force (Attack Resource Success).


No news.

The Kishat

The Bodàk army move ashore on a crisp spring day, but the mood is very subdued. Only the most ignorant young nobles are looking forward to the expedition. And not long after, the worries of the old curmudgeons are realized: the entire Kishati mercenary army descends on the troop. It's a massacre. Outnumbered, 10 to 1, the ill equipped troops have no chance. The ocean is coloured red by the blood of the hapless Paratornians, and the priests of the Kishat praise Shamash that evening. The victory, they say, is the sign that the Trakorian empire will soon crumble, just as the Vox Ranzina has foretold (Attack Resource Success).


No news.


No news.



Bribed nobles seek an audience with Eian Saulani. Hidden among them are assassins, ready to spring into action. They manage to lure the Inquisitor to a meeting place, the assassins rush the inquisitor and his retinue, but just as all looks lost for the Inquisitors, everyone in sight go mad with rabid rage, frothing at their mouth. When the madness subsides, Digeta Longa agents, who have followed the events from afar, leap into action and help the inquisitors to thwart the treat. Not a hair is touched on Eian Saulani's head. (Attack Shadow actor fail). During festivities thrown by the DiFolts, some nobles are a little too free with the wine, not realizing that it’s been enhanced for the occasion. They are, of course, tended with healers specially designated for such an occurrence. After, they take to their homes, seemingly too embarrassed to participate in society until their trespasses are forgotten (Attack Resource Success)


The Veteran Priests are in Ruhl attempting to create a support or fall back position for when things go (more) wrong in Ilibauria. They will be preaching to the Marsh People, Halflings and other disenfranchised people in Ruhl about the need to support the will of the Gods in these most dangerous times. As the times are, indeed, troubling, many feel that the Inquisition holds the answers and stability they seek (Raise Influence Success).


The official story of Duke Belekzander Belsiria’s untimely demise was an unfortunate riding accident - tragic and nothing the healers who were called for immediately could do. That is the story that will circulate outside of Paraltro. Within Patraltro, however, are whispers. Whispers of a Duke who was increasingly out of touch with the cosmopolitan nature of his city and the new faces that flock to it for trade. Whispers of sneering arrogance and casually ordered violence against some of the wealthiest families of marshfolk traders who have set up permanently. Whispers of what might have been a mugging by bold, faceless thugs, and the Duke’s body left in a filthy alley in a humiliating position (Attack Shadow Actor Success).


The Chronolab maintenance crew keep busy, handing out prophecies and predictions to anyone, for a price. By now, their reputation is firmly cemented, and even the very highly placed within the city make use of the services. As they do so, they divulge a lot of secrets to the crew that they probably should not have (Raise influence success). The Cult of the Innocent starts to become an accepted part of the city, recognized and tolerated though certainly not dominant. Small greetings and sayings start to seep into common parlance and they are used without much thought (Raise Influence Success).

Hiltre & Hoejdar

”Drums! Drums from the fens!”

The whispered warning goes from homestead to homestead, as lordling and thrall alike bar their doors and cover their windows. The countryside around Hiltre lies deserted under a swollen moon. Fearful tales fly on speedy wings, of sawtoothed Extites at faraway Mount Bektar, tearing men apart and greedily gobbling down their living flesh in hedonistical celebrations


The most noble princes and peers of the land are not quite so superstitious, and receive their invitations to an impish little celestial festival with delight. It seems, they gossip, that matrimony becomes the otherwise whip-like duchess Donzella Gombina-Trimelda. Instead of pursuing her passion for honing her questioning techniques in the castle dungeons, she has of late been seen dancing on the battlements under the stars, dressed only in alluringly thin veils. Her fleshy husband's warlike demeanour must surely draw forth her female juices, they intimate.

Octobar Mountbaton, the dour Magistrate of Unmancipation, is allowing himself a sneer of a smile as he enters his carriage, decorated with colorful leaves and bows. What is there not to smile at, after all - every maiden of name and worth is present in the courtyard, scantily dressed to an almost scandalous degree had it not been impossible to identify them, as they are wearing blank face masks. Sir Ashinfell Krumm, the Leeching Knight, can do no less and laughs in a falsetto as he climbs his own ride. Horse-faced Occultimander the Seventh frivolously throws scrolls to the wind, taxmaster Nicophras Flaye spills wine on his best finery, and even the rigorous Master of Ceremony Yogen Tott allows himself to play an effeminate little fanfare on his silver flute - as the women take the reins and the caravan of cage-like coaches starts rolling.

Entertaining themselves with a bounty of lush fruit and strong beverages, the men of the court care little about their destination, until the stench of the Shadow Marshes can be ignored no longer. There, on a small island, the duchess herself awaits.

"Who will have me," she cries, and lets her veils fall. Encouraged by rhythmic drumbeats and intoxicating sugars and coatings on their produce, the lords eagerly shout their willingness. Loudest of all is Sir Krumm. His crystal voice speaks of years of murkily held fantasies, never before flaunted to the world with such abandon. A pair of masked girls, in complexion and bearing remarkably alike his own daughters, puts their torches to his carriage. Never has a soprano appeared on any stage, as clear as Krumm, during his fiery demise.

"Who will have me... as LORD," Donzella then cries. Desperate howls of exultation now ululate in the darkness, voices breaking and going hoarse from effort. Divine Luvena will not be pleased until those found most lacking have joined the Leeching Knight - but when the night is eventually over, Hiltre stands united as never before behind the duchess and her duke (Raise Influence Success).



New Mark



No news..


No news


No news.



Geryon and his merchants work tirelessly to negotiate a trade deal with Gaaz Ulul, trying to get in ahead of Folda's merchant navy. They manage to sign important deals with a couple of guilds, at least (Raise Influence success). Meanwhile, Folda's merchant navy is likewise busy, signing deals with guilds that Geryon did not approach (Raise Influence success).After a well-informed tip about falsified cargo manifests and ports of origin, several ships newly arrived from Karramak are impounded by local authorities. To quell any potential resistance from the armed Hornblowers, they acquire the assistance of a band of visiting condottiaries (Attack Resource Success).


The Clair Voyant Peace Orcs realize the dangers of the drug addicted power holders and force them all into rehabilitation in institutions all over the province. Within weeks, they have all sobered up...or disappeared (Attack Resource success).

Frimboline Plains



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