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I was surprised to see that the ship avoided Ilibauria, but was soon educated as to why.

When Paratorna liberated itself from Klavykian rule, the island was shaken by many years of war.

The people of Ilibauria had no wish to bend the knee to rulers from the south. After many battles, they still held out, as the ways of the Banzikan was not forgotten to them. As the people of Bralorge could not conquer them through force of arms, they sought to do so through cunning.

The potion master and wizard named Astrumal diFolt, also known as the "demon from Melse" was held in a prison camp after murdering someone using poison. In exchange for his freedom and much gold, he agreed to enslave Ilibauria.

Six months went by, and a previous unknown spice arrived in the market of Mynd Mazuldre. The merchants called it 'opiander' and invited the rich to taste it. Everyone agreed that it was the most exquisite taste they had ever had. The stores were quickly emptied.

Thus began the curse of Ilibauria, for those who have tasted the spice will never want anything else. The addicted will need more and more to satisfy their rotting taste buds, and such quantities slowly disintegrate the body, so that the eater will soon be bleeding from both ends, and his mind will be as that of a dead fish.

My only impression of Ilibauria was a short nightly visit to the port of Mynd Mazuldre, as hard weather forced our ship to see protection. Some houses were burning in the city, but nobody seemed to care. I saw bodies lie in the dirty alleys. Further in, I saw the ruins of once great palaces. I decided to stay close to the ship, and so the journey towards Trinsmyra continued.

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