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Killer crane



Step Rhino


The Killer Crane lives on the Moskorian plains. It's a predator as well as a scavanger. Some have managed to domesticate it, though great care must be taken with the birds even then, as hungry ones are known to turn on their owners. When managed well, however, they can accept a light rider, who would then have a fearsome mount, indeed.

The step rhino is native to the Moskorian plains on Palamux. Weighing about a ton, with six legs and an armoured skull, it is best to get out of its way when it comes charging.

While a peaceful herbivore, the local nobles have taken to domesticate so they can hook up chariots behind two of these behemoths. Being charged by a company of such war machines has sent many an infantry man running over the centuries.

Sea Serpents swim the oceans between the Trakorian islands and Marjura. For the most part, they keep to the deep, but during the summers, rise towards the surface to play. That makes travel to Marjura so dangerous that the island is effectively cut off from regular trade.

Raugons are maritime insectoids, as large as humans. They attach themselves to drift wood and other flotsam on the seas and if any ships come close enough, they attack and devour the crew. The have also been known to raid the coastlines, looking for pray, particularly on the south coasts of Saphyna and Palamux, as well as the North and West coasts of Trinsmyra and Paratorna.

The Mustelon looks much like a ferret, of about the same size as a large dog. They are forrest dwelling predators, native to Paratorna, and known for their ferocity. More than one hunter have lost their lives to them. The skecks are the only sentinent beings able to domesticate them, which gives their tribes a powerful weapon against invaders.


The Mareskunk is another native of the Swamp of Shadows. It is a magical creature, with the power to absorb emotions from beings around it. In case of danger, it uses these emotions as a defense mechanism. The villagers close to the swamp still speak of the Mareskunk that had absorbed the emotions of a man being devoured by a Spider vine. It wrecked havoc around the countryside for years, driving people mad with the hapless fellow's death anxiety.


The fuzzard is native to Northern Trinsmyra and Marjura. The name is a short form of Fur Lizard, as its skin is used to make very warm clothes. However, the flying lizard does not have actual fur. Rather, its skin is perforated with thousands of sacks of gas, which act as an insulator, as well as provide extra lift. The animal is also a predator, and known for attacking large prey, including the children of sentients.


Crow Fly


Snake weed

Sea Serpent

Crow flies are native to the Swamp of Shadows on Paratorna. Its equal in size to a crow, hence the name. It is not immediately dangerous to sentients, but people who venture into the swamp soon find themselves surrounded by increasing numbers of the these large insects. They buzz and buzz around the intruder, with loudness and persistence. After a few days of this, people tend to go mad. Their minds broken, they often succumb to the swamp, and the flies, finally, get to feast on their corpses.


There have been dragons in Trakoria in centuries past. It is said that the legendary King Basimor of Lasemos, in South Western Palamux, rode a dragon to war against the wizard kings of Voag Aspede as he destroyed the city centuries ago. Presently, there is one know dragon making its home in the Empire. Blatigus the Bleak attacked a dwarven mercury mine on the island of Marjura a few years ago. Not a single dwarf is said to have escaped. Blatifagus has since settled in the mine and reached an agreement with Trakoria. For now, they do not disturb each other.

These fish are not always large, but as they grow older and eat more and more, they also increase in size. The largest can attack, and eat, ships that cross the deep ocean waters around Trakoria. It is thus always prudent to keep some sylvoleum aboard, as its fire can scare both Velserhogs and sea serpents away.

These vines grow in the Swamp of Shadows on Paratorna. They tend to grow at the bottom of pools, hidden from view. When a creature steps through the water, the vines attack, dragging the victim under until it drowns. Then the vines feast on the flesh.

The step rhino is native to the Moskorian plains on Palamux. With six legs and an armoured skull, it is best to get out of its way when it comes charging. The local nobles have taken to domesticate so they can hook up chariots behind two of these behemoths. Being charged by a company of such war machines has sent many an infantry man running over the centuries.

The Skolopod is a giant centipede. Its habitat is in Rung, on Trinsmyra. The natives of the region domesticate them and use them as warmounts. It allows them to make lightening quick raids through very difficult terrain against any invaders. However, the skolopods cannot leave the region, and thus the Rungli have never been able to use them to attack.

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Marc Grieves

Courtesy Marc Grieves

Courtesy Marc Grieves

Courtesy Nils Gulliksson

Courtesy Nils Gulliksson

Nettle lizard

Courtesy Daniel Falck, Copyright Fria Ligan

Courtesy Nils Gulliksson

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