Fanzimle in Ruhl
I wanted to continue my journey north. Baldyr had another destination, so we parted ways with crying and many hugs. Casimo Hruckert, however, was going to visit his family for the mid-winter celebrations, and decided to travel with me. We boarded a ship in Hoedjar's only town Joodak, which is little more than a trading post defended by a wooden stockade, mostly populated by rugged trappers.
When we arrived at Fanzimle, I was mightly surprised, as it is entirely built for and by the marsh people, which means that everything is very small for full length humans like myself. The region is dominated by marsh people and halflings, and the city has its own council, guards and keep.
It is an almost comically clean place, though one quarter is devoted to large folks like humans, and they take special care to make these streets dirty to make humans feel more comfortable. The local inns are of a very high quality, but turn any purse into a sieve.
The marsh people love games of all kind. In every corner, someone is playing smickelboard, dame or burst the snake.
I spent the mid winter celebrations at the Hruckert estates half a day north west of Fanzimle, by the muddy river of Zomb, where frogs are grown for marsh people all over Trakoria. The feast was conducted with the common gaiety of the marsh folks. They ate a variety of truly revolting foods, drank frog egg toddy, sang quack songs and danced flapstep.
I said my good buys just a day later and made my way westwards on a very sour stomach.