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Summer 612 After Odo



Clusta Noba

Fresh off the spectacular destruction of the siege enignes being constructed by the Majuran Undead Horde, Iaslop consolidates his control over the the ragtag group of survivors, and even securing the loyalty of the newly minted Order of the Wolf, created from the survivors of the White Berets and others showing great valour, being in charge of the defense of those who will remain once the Duke returns to Trakoria-proper (Raise Influence success).



Limer Späde arrives with the remnants of his army. They are tired and despondent for they have walked far and hard to get away from the might to Trakoria and take refuge in the lands of the Eelskulls. Limer himself, together with his most trusted lieutenants set out to Ard Gachlaf to meet with local nobles in a desperate bid to gain support for the rebellion, appealing to the nobles' sense of honour. It was futile. The Order of the New Sphere now held sway over the once unyielding mountain people. Limer is fuming over this betrayal (Raise Influence Fail). Even at night, he gets no rest, as strange howls are heard echoing through the mountains of Rung. Clearly of Wolven origin, the cadence and tone seem to be of an uncommon type, according to people who typically interact with their kind - These are not the calls of any of the known packs that roam the area (Mobilize)


Barù Rian Saulani, before leaving Milacke, instructs his team of Veteran Priests to gather those still loyal of the Ranzine Monks and any local Priests dedicated enough to face the Anti-Creationist Horrors and train them to face the inevitable struggles that are to come (Mobilize). As they gather in monasteries and shrines, Milacke. some of the nobles previously displaced from Tricilve travel from Rung to Milacke to continue their campaign of settling old disputes against the now fallen crown of Trakoria. A grand meeting is held in the capital of Rakma, where grievances can be aired and discussed. The meeting is lended extra credence by the presence of Goba da Grummi herself , offering assurances that the safety of the Realm is still tended to by the ever-vigilant Digeta Longa, and that the peace recently found in Rung will bring stability and prosperity to the island. After nearly a week of deliberations and discussion, the earlier disquiet in the province seems to calm down and settle, for the most part (Raise Influence Success). The meeting provides Iaslop's network of powerful alliese the opportunity to enlarge thier circle of inlfuence by creating relationships of interdependence among MIlake's recently chaning elites. The Duke's circle of allies is now more connected to Trinsmyra than it has ever been (mobilize).

Kark Hearing from Inquisitor Manada da Fanzilme in Vumbra, Barù Rian Saulani leaves the Priests behind and heads off with the Fire Tongues to Kark. There to get to the bottom of this demonic infestation and provide whatever assistance is required by Inquisitor Manada Fanzilme and those who have aided her in uncovering this conspiracy. The two network intensely will local power holders, both imperial bureaucrats, generals commanding garrisons in the region and merchants owning mining interests up north. None of them is interested in getting in the way of the Inquisition, and all of them want to be on its good side (Raise Influence Success). Meanwhile, from the mountaints, Trismyran Freedom Fighters travel to Vumbra. The Commodore bribes the right people to hire military officers to train them hard, and see that they are properly equipped (Mobilize).




EndFragmentStartFragmentManzonla himself leads his mercernaries on a crusade along the Kargomite coast. As it happens, every tribe targeted by the mercenaries happen to be one that is an enemy of a tribe already connected with Manzonla, providing these chiefs with plenty of opportunity for plunder. They are very pleased (Raise Influence success). Meanwhile, Enjis enterprice continues to grow, as it did last season. The blue pigment is selling very well indeed (Mobilize).

Fokale Plains

In the oasis city of Na Yoh. The Grand Syntald Edwyl Hussler's illusionists and paid entertainers bring all from surrounding areas to a celebration lasting weeks to commemorate the 10 graduates from Na Yoh to the illusionist academy in HOXOH. The festivities included feasting to games, contests of will to contests of strength, each day bringing something new. When the sun dipped, those graduates would create a lightshow astounding the onlookers. Following suit bards, both local and foreign, sang their stories and danced through the night. Many sang the praises of the Grand Syntald. (Raise influence Success)



"You have been successful in creating illusions that move and speaks, even under pressure. I must say that this group deserves a pat on the back. Most of our students take years to learn what you managed to do in a season. The question remains however; how do we make these illusions push? Pull? Stomp their feet on the ground and cause a small cloud of dust to arise? These lessons are going to be taught within the next couple weeks. But as a celebration, let's go confuse the hell out if The Grand Syntalds pet RaHa."(Mobilize).


No news.


Siege troops have been seen practicing various firing maneuvers on the outskirts of Lasemos, launching projectiles high in the sky then far out to sea. Despite the disturbances these drills cause to sea trade, and the death of one notable trading vessel, the city seems unable to force the army to cease. By the end of the season, the Siege troops were no longer simply throwing stone projectiles; they were throwing flaming orbs that exploded on impact. Thick smoke from the fire blanketed the harbour of Lasemos, and the smoke did not seem to let up as normal fire would (Mobilize).

While the general populace has been distracted with the spectacle of these exercises, nobles within certain old blood Palamoxi families receive an anonymous gift. A leather bound book died crimson red. The cover of the book simply states, 'Power Imbues'. However, apparently, an astute noble remembered the rumours about what happened recently to the grand Inquisitor Barú Sambarsynd Coria, and besides, who cares about books when there are siege troops to watch? The noble tells the others who have received these old tomes, and they put them down without ever opening the covers, preferring to watch combat drills outside Maravelda (Attack Resource Fail). Chatting away, the nobles even come upon the idea of donating the books to the University of Maravelda. Always starved for funds, the university eagerly accepts the gifts and talk widely about the good hearted nobles (Mobilize).

The Kishat

Deeply worried about the near stranglehold of Edwyl Hussler across the rest of Palamux, young men and women of service age turn this way and that, looking for a way to defend their homes in case the Illusionists turn their eyes south. There are no Kishati priests to turn to, but the Ransardian Raiders are there, strong and impressive. They join these raiders, for at least that way, they will learn how to fight (Mobilize).


To the undiscerning eye, Myxa seemed completely normal at the beginning of the season. The same nobles remained in charge, the same slave traders sold their wares, and people lived out their lives as they always had, probably pleased to see the end of powergrabs from pirates and Paratornians of different kinds. But to those who were particularly perceptive, it was hard to miss the faint stench of blood in the air and the almost mirage-like darkening of the sun. It started simply at first, Gaddagormgald’s agents and a number of PurPurian Worshippers had been seen talking to higher officials. Then, slowly, those leaders started to change. Becoming angrier, more zealous in their beliefs. Their eyes changed from their natural colour to a bloodshot red. Nobles stopped engaging with each other, and started asking questions of Gaddagormgald directly. Then, to a great shock to everyone, the nobles held an unprecedented election to nominate a King, a ruler above all the nobles. After all the ballots were cast, Gaddagormgald was anointed to be that King. The people scratched their heads and wondered about what the ramifications of this election might be, and where their loyalties now lied; to the new King or to their Noble. But by degrees, the lower folk too found that they were more susceptible to Gaddagormgalds rule. By the end of the season, the last strip of individuality vanished from the island city-states. By the end of the season, King Gaddagormgald ruled supreme over Myxa.(Raise Influence succcess)


Gaddagormgald’s troops have been seen performing forced marches outside the walls of Brosma; endless, brutal forced marches that seemed to have no effect or drain on the soldiers themselves. As the marches continued, for weeks, then months, the residents of Brosma could swear they saw a faint red aura surround the army. When the soldiers finally did enter the city on their time off, they were physically morphed. The were stronger, quicker, almost bestial. It seemed like a key part of their humanity was missing, but no one could put their finger on quite what (Mobilize). Some did not notice this at all, however. All they could think was..."IT'S BACK!" A multitude of feelings toward it, for it, or against it. To those new to the area, a feeling of panic overcomes them as they watch those around them change habits instantly. A few from fighting with the guard to a simple high five. Others from eating to drawing their swords. Drunkards went from swaying and staggering down the road to walking upright almost as if their mind had cleared. Some of the spectators seek shelter in fear. Others shrug and continue on their way (Raise Influence Success).



No news.


A group of enterprising marsh folk merchants seize an opportunity and bring in a startling amount of goods to Ruhl. With the recent upheaval, the common folk are happy to turn their attention to something novel that isn't dangerous (Mobilize).


No news.


The summer turns out to be uncommonly quiet in the capital. Gomba's Conserative noble faction has had many successes on the political arena of late, and success breeds admiration. Some of the young people coming of age just this summer eagerly join the faction to bask in its glory (Mobilize). Though the Innocentians are gone, DiFolt potion makers make their way easily into the void. The needy and suffering are desperately happy that charity continues to exist in such an unforgiving city (Mobilize). Meanwhile, Trimelda's merchants invest in several new ventures, which pay off handsomely in blessed profit (Mobilize). All seems well, but is it the calm before the storm?

Hiltre & Hoeja

No news.


Gomba's smugglers set about exploring the underworld of Malusa, with a particular focus on Kamest. There are still some shady individuals with impressive skills who have been looking for an employer since the Whig Maker's guild collapsed and they eagerly join forces (Mobilize). They are also among the many who get to enjoy the Ilibaurian actors. The acting troupe has purchased a theatre! Well, a theatre-to-be. It is actually a series of derelict buildings. Builders and engineers swarm over the buildings night and day, tearing down and rebuilding the area into one complex. Whispers and rumours abound about what the final theatre will look like and what plays will be performed (Mobilize).

However, all is not quiet in the duchy. When Trimelda's elite knights arrive, they are met with outright hostilty but not violence, instead enormous amounts of money are disbursed to make the Knights made well aware of how unwelcome they are, and a select few, identified by Digeta Longa's forces, are bought outright out of Trimelda's service. At the same time, Kaldor's pirates raid Trimelda's supply ships at sea. In port, they firebomb them with sylvoleum, or brazenly try commandering them. However, the knights prove resilient, and rally against the pirates. The raids are countered easily by these elite warriors, who chase the hoodlums off into the night (Attack Resource 1 success). This hostility shows the need for further training for combat in urban centres, so the Knights do not get much time off as they move through the streets practicing new shield wall techniques. They might well have lost their weakest links to bribes, but the remaining knights are more motivated than ever (Mobilize).

New Mark

Forced induction in the New Mark countryside stops, as Knight-Captain Pfordian Sopp and his new squires ride eastwards. Peasants would have grumbled in their wake, if not for the many duellants still strutting about - reacting quickly and with anger to any hostile word directed against His Magnificence, The Incomparable Prolificence of Bralorge, duke Trimelda. Farmers can offer little opposition against their dancing rapiers. Some are "tickled" badly and die, many get new scars, and a few of the more able ones are pressed into service as valets (Mobilize).


Conservative courtiers flock to Bralorge for the fashion season. The new fad is the "non-look", actively trying not to seem dazzling. The duke, as always, stands at the forefront of the trend - with his wig askew, and ruffle and giblets stained by grease from many opulent meals. The non-look attracts a lot of praise, as it is effortless to keep up, and court flushes with presumptive uglies and pock-marked sycophants who see a sudden opportunity to advance (Mobilize).


The stock of slaves is pouring into Bretalva. One source is the ongoing crusade in Kargom. The other is domestic: the recently appointed overseer of human resources, Mistress Oliphantine Bray of the Slavers Union, decrees that, purely philosophically, a slave must defined by their collar. Thus a collar would, by definition, also infer slavedom. Her bruisers trawl the streets to grab anyone who hasn't torn their chokers and other neck attire off. Many new bodies are rounded up for the flesh market (Mobilize).


Having gained important networks with local imperial officials in the region, Gomba's trade guild use those contacts to strengthen the merchant house, for example by hiring some highly educated lesser noble sons as law twisters and fabrici veritas (Mobilize).



StartFragmentNo news.


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Frimboline Plains

Rumors, spoken in hushed, terrified tones, speak of yet another RaHa that has come into the area. The locals, always having been a peaceful lot, do not let themselves be rattled by such talk. They have lived through troubled times before without starving and will so again (Raise Influence Fail). The rumours are completely overshadowed by an awakening led by the chronolab crew. Critical thinking is the new fashion in the province, even among the people, who set up scientific debates as public entertainment (Raise Influence Success).



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