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Fontra Cilor

Oh! How could one describe the "flame of the North Sea" with dry eyes, the once flourishing Fontra Cilor!As a begging mother, she called both pity and love to my senses. A partially fallen city wall, the high twin peaked towers and the wide palaces of white marble still bear witness of the age when she was the centre of the world.

Today, large parts of this once shining pearl lie uninhabited, all because of evil times. A large number of the remaining high nobility of Palamux stubbonrly remain, sadly perverted, and they share the city with the learned scholars and unlearned merchants. There are also fanatics of all kinds, and many clans of former nomads who have settled here, squatting in abandoned palaces.

"The Serious Guild " also deserves mention. These ascetic crafters dedicate their lives to the perfection of one single master piece. The most accomplished masters are those who manage to complete their work the very moment they give up their breath, and thus they find the path to Shamash.

Baldyr chose our lodgings, and as much as the inn was to his taste, it was appalling to me. The spectacle of the evening consisted of naked mamselles dancing on the tables, and the infamous "dog eater", a wide mawed orc. He had a small spotted mutt that he shoved into his bottomless pit of a mouth until only the hind paws and tail were seen. Then he commanded the dog to do all sorts of tricks.

As the next act was going to be copulation between two hermaphrodites, I decided to retire to my chambers. As I looked out my window, I found the city, as decadent as it was, to be strangely beautiful under the moon light. I could see fires lit on the steps of the ziggurat, from where astrologers and astromancers work to get closer to the stars.

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