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The Moskorian Plains

Finally, we arrived in this, the heartlands of the ancient Klavykian Empire. We were quite pleased, but our mood turned from amusement to terror when a Predator Crane attacked us.These birds stand three meters tall and can tear a fully grown man to pieces with their sharp beaks, and some Palamoxi armies still use them as cavalry when fighting Black bloods, though they are said to be highly temperamental and fickle, and sometimes eat their masters. We managed to flee into an abandoned ruin, but the bird stayed there, waiting for us to come out.

In the evening, the birds were finally chased off by an ominous, thunderous sound. It turned out to be a company of heavy war chariots on its way to Fontra Cilor. These are driven by the six legged step rhinos, an armoured beast weighing more than a metric ton. They, and the chariots, are painted in bright colours, invoking ancient symbols of victory and terror. The crew consists of a driver, an archer, and an assistant, who can throw out chains with spikes on them against enemies. It was tremendous to see these war machines, and easy to understand how the Klavykians could dominate the plains long ago.

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