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Harvest Month, 610 A.O.


The fall convoy travels towards Marjura. Onboard are people from all of Trakoria, most of them tied to the Sulphur trade, which provides a third of the Trakorian state revenues. Some are soldiers going to relieve parts of the garrison, some are convicted criminals, condemned to work the Sulphur extraction. Merchants, sailors, and adventurers are there. Even an archeological expedition from the Academy in capital of Tricilve.

En route, the merchant from Privavi makes sure to talk to other merchants as well as to sailors who know Marjura well, to get familiar with exactly who needs to be bribed and get a good idea of market needs on the island. As a result, the merchant manages to make just the right connections within a few days of going ashore, making a very good start to the stay on the island.

The Trakorian secret service, Digeta Longa, is also interested in this convoy. The captains have no idea how many undercover agents might be aboard, but however many they might be, they use the time skillfully to ensure that they can exploit the ships if the need arises. After all, sailors can move without drawing attention to themselves, and ships have all sorts of nooks and crannies where small things can be hidden for later use.

Meanwhile, on the island, members of the Wolfish White Beret dream strange things. Their spirits talk to them, it seems, and they are willing to obey. They await the signs that are promised them.

And the spiders move with new purpose. They answer the call and enter houses throughout Arhem, spinning their webs in the corners and under ceilings, watching, waiting.



The Shamashi priests make an announcement:

“Fellow Citizens of Nastrol,

Seeing the plague brought by constant raids by Kargomites, and seeing how the smaller religions have bravely struggled, yet failed for years to stop this horrible intrusion and violation of our homes, we are prepared to take our responsibility to make our homes safe again. To this end, we are arranging for a great army to stand between you, your loved ones, and the vile intruders. Those among you who are of the right spirit to support Shamash and enforce his will of peace for all may well join us. The rest of you shall finally sleep safe in your beds knowing that Shamash Will protect you. We shall not rest until this scourge has been dealt with!”

The citizens shrug at this, but some see an opportunity for a steady income and enlist.

In the Illusionist Academy of HOXOH, a group of novices exercise their magic prowess, and gain much needed experience when they fail at fooling a group of peasants at the local market. While they were trying to conjure up coins, they managed to call forth only the image of lizards.


A group of Ransardian raiders turn up in Moskoria. They have lots of goods to sell and spend money in the city, and make connections.

At the same time, lots of rumours are circulating in the streets Trybra and Maghurbal, but it is getting harder to know what is true and what is not. Who can people really trust in an environment like this?

The Kishate

“Faithful ones! Shamash, the Truthful God, declared in the Scroll of Preeminence the following:

“As ye embrace the path of the faithful, ye are always besieged on all sides by those who will tempt thee. Cast these false prophets and their spawned lies aside, and walk without concern, because the Truth shall embrace and protect thee from vile temptation. Cast off the shackles of falsehood and lies and fear not, as the embrace of honesty shall allow you to live forever. Those who are strong and truthful shall share the sweet fruits of the harvest. They shall reside near Me as they depart their mortal shell, and shall forever bask in the warmth of the embrace of Truth.” -Preeminence, Text 12, verse 4.

The people of the Kishate become ever more devoted to be Truthful and loyal, and the extremely important role armed support for Shamash plays in this. Every rumour of war with Nastrol carries a bit further, every voice of reason muffled. “Illusionists are the enemies of truth. It is a city of smoke and mirrors” the winds seem to whisper.


Some privateers in the service of the goddess Kastyke sell stolen goods at a good profit, honouring the goddess with this sacred act. They use the surplus to re-equip the ships and upgrade them.


While the local libraries are stocked with more books, a group of political dignitaries arrive from Tricilve. They quickly establish networks and talk to local heavy weights to establish themselves.


The Frimboline plains.

The pirate admirata Vemsica steps ashore in Frimbolve Olvi and inhales the fresh winds of the peaceful city. The friendly locals are too happy to take her Pirate’s moneys and supply them with the equipment they need.

Tocme Forest

A tree is slowly awakening, under the benevolent thoughts and dreams sent to it by the Elven sorcerer. The battering storm winds that whip the coastline do not disturb them, even as they are picking up speed. Rain and cloudy skies batter the coastline for (appropriate period of time). Trees are felled, but fires cannot spread through the rain. The forest is even further isolated.


Western Bralorge

The Digeta Longa dig sup more dirt on the local nobility, which is very easy to do in Tricilve. The Harvest feast party hosted by the wig makers guild is a resounding success, and many new business deals are made there to the glory of Kastyke. Ialsop da Kamesti keeps networking on behalf of the Order of the New Sphere, and many lesser nobles are interested in getting in on the action. But some courtiers still value the old ways, and they migrate towards Count Grigor da Privavi, who is becoming a symbol of the old, honorable ways. More alarming might be how many nobles and other high ranking officials are becoming interested in Shagulism. A recent lecture held by Harkaton implies that the Shagulites may be on the verge of major breakthroughs in the medical field, which obviously interests many rich nobles interested in prolonging their lives.

Eastern Bralorge

The organized crime syndicate sends more people to Privavi and Mazmatra. They gather what information they can about who’s who in the region. But they may not be able to do so undisturbed for long. At the local tournament, several squires finally gain their spurs and join the knights serving Count Privavi.


The Digeta Longa sends more agents to Melse and Kanald to increase the intelligence gathering capacity there, even as Ialsop keeps investing in the local trade, as the region receives a lot of foreign merchant ships.


The DiFolts High Alcuria has released a report that ties the mysterious affliction known as "Puppet's Palsy" to Opiander addiction. Puppet's Palsy, so-called because of the increasingly jerky, puppet-like movement that often heralds the degeneration of the mind into a blank state, is a relatively new illness that has struck citizens from all walks of life in Ilibauria. Puppet's Palsy is not usually lethal, though sufferers often require extensive care-taking in later stages of the illness. Only recently have there been deceased whose bodies could be studied.

Members of the DiFolts discovered that the degeneration of certain tissues is remarkably similar to that found in those who have died of Opiander addiction. "Of course, those with Puppet's Palsy do not have the open sores and bleeding usually associated with Opiander addicts, which is why this has remained undiscovered for so long," said Elder Spagyrik Gozcana da Skugre, a senior member of the High Alcuria. "I suspect the issue is that caretakers were unaware of the Opiander addiction of their charges and therefore did not administer the spice. Opiander clearly affects people differently, as not all Opiander addicts display Puppet's Palsy and, frankly, any such degeneration might be overlooked due to the need to control the excessive bleeding from sores and the failure of the body as a whole."

The High Alcuria is making the unprecedented move to offer free medical aid and treatment to sufferers of both Puppet's Palsy and Opiander addiction in Ilibauria and the surrounding area. They promise strict anonymity of the patients. "In order to advance our knowledge, we will need patients to treat," Gozcana da Skugre explained. "Under other circumstances, people might be afraid to be involved in experimental treatments. However, Opiander addiction is a terrible way to die, and this is the best way to help sufferers come forward without shame."


Ialsop provides his loyal condottier with more funding. The moneys are used to invest in the latest weapons and more training. Meanwhile, certain recreational drugs are becoming more popular among local nobles, who fall into thrall of the DiFolts, the only supplier of said drugs. In the shades of the streets, a gang war ends with one side the clear winner, consolidating the local thugs.


Among the halflings of Ruhl, the DiFolts are setting up new trade with dangerous goods and equipping a new laboratory, together with the local merchant house of Mogger.



The army of Ummerto of Hamur gets some time to do training and recruit new soldiers. The pay raise probably helped.


Priests are sent out to the mountain areas of Rung to do missionary work. They are attracted by both good pay and the opportunity to help the local barbarians.


The fall ceremonies are held, and some Wolven who were once cubs are accepted as scouts.


Ummerto’s agents arrive and set up shop. They expand their offices and create more connections to local leaders in Vumbra.


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